Naim Audio
Naim Audio is a British hi-fi manufacturer based in Wiltshire, United Kingdom. The company was founded in 1973. Following a 2011 merger with French loudspeaker manufacturer Focal, Naim is owned by VerVent Audio Group, a French company.

Naim Audio - Serial Numbers
Naim uses serial numbers to track its products. If you’re buying second-hand Naim equipment or simply can’t remember when you bought a particular product, this table will tell you when the component was manufactured. Continue reading Naim Audio - Serial Numbers

Naim Audio - NAIT 2
The Naim NAIT (acronym for “Naim Audio Integrated amplifier”) is an integrated amplifier from the British hi-fi manufacturer, Naim Audio. The original NAIT is one of the most recognisable pieces of hi-fi equipment ever made. Hi-fi critic Lucio Cadeddu recognised its legendary status, referring to it as “one of the most controversial and famous integrated amps in the history of HiFi”. Continue reading Naim Audio - NAIT 2