Setup a GIT server on macOS

Setup a GIT server on macOS

This article describe how install and setup a git server on macOS & Linux server. A alternive with Gogs & Gitea is discribe at the end on this post. This git server used only a ssh protocol (no https).

Monday 22 November 2021

r2d2 scripts

r2d2 scripts

r2d2 scripts are part of OAIP (Open Internet Access Project or Provider). OIAP is a free Internet Access provider in white area. OIAP provide access & some services for used Internet in white area. All scripts are written in sh or Python, and there can run on all unix system. For my part they run on macOS.
Daniel Cheung©

How to configure passwordless login in macOS and Linux

How to configure passwordless login in macOS and Linux

Once you set up a shell user and try to log in via SSH, you’ll find you must enter your password each time. If you’d like to avoid entering your password every time, you can set up Passwordless Login. This way, you’ll be able to automatically login each time immediately without needing to enter your password.
Anas Alshanti©

Saturday 19 February 2022 : Added “How to enable or disable public key authentication in SSH” section
