Tips - How to Disable Shell Access to User Account in Linux

By default when creating a user account in Linux, the user will explicitly have SSH access. There are situations where user accounts don’t need shell access to FTP, mails, or ssh. In this tutorial let learn how to disable shell access for existing Linux user or create a new user with no shell access.
Moja Msanii©
Create a new user with no shell access
By default when creating a user account, a shell is assigned to the user as define in the /etc/default/useradd
While creating a user account you can explicitly specify shell which user should login.
Linux comes with a /sbin/nologin
shell which displays a message This account is currently not available
, when a user attempt to connect. This is one way to disable the user from access the login shell.
Lets check two command to create a user with a disabled shell.
Using useradd
sudo useradd -s /sbin/nologin {username}
Using adduser
sudo adduser --shell /sbin/nologin {username}
Disable Shell for an existing user
To change shell for the existing user use chsh
or usermod
Using chsh
sudo chsh -s /sbin/nologin {username}
Using usermod
sudo usermod {username} -s /sbin/nologin
In this tips, we learned how to disabled a user account from access to the default shell.